Spa Technology delivers solutions to complex electronic engineering and software problems. In-house electronic & software design and development expertise, plus specialist associates, enable us to cover a broad range of disciplines with in depth knowledge.

We offer rapid turn around of complex projects and flexible support. Based in Cheltenham our products and services are supplied throughout the United Kingdom and around the world.

Our Quality Management System has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 Certification by a UKAS Accredited Certification Body.

Our Expertise

Spa Technology undertake a wide range of technical projects. The last few years have been focused on supplying hardware and software to provide test solutions; mainly developing specialist wiring test programs for use in the aviation industry.

A proportion of our business is more generic projects, with a variety of electronic design work passing through the lab. Some of these are purely hardware, some just software, and some a combination of both.

Historically we were heavily involved in the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) industry, developing many of the techniques which are used today. Although we no longer focus exclusively on AVL we do maintain in-house expertise to assist with many different types of location and tracking related projects.

The Spa Technology team are equally at home creating completely new designs from basic requirements or taking on existing designs and either bringing them up-to-date, or carry out a complete re-design.